Is it less monolithic? Yes
Is it actually any better? Uhh
This is still doing some reasonably code-smelly things which could
probably be improved with a decent JavaScript templating engine, but:
- it's after 10PM on a SAturday night and I've been working on this all
- it works for now
- I don't want to go too far down the rabbit hole of super-polished code
(hah!) before I check that the output format suits C
It is actually better in the sens that we present charts first (easier
to see at a glance) with their data below them.
- sort output of outcomesBalance for chart (already sorted for table)
- hide/show toggles
- make the doughnut chart more straightforward (swap legend order,
rename labels)
Emphasis on the dirty, not so much 'quick' ! This shows select outputs
from the default Asphodice class:
- rerolls
- outcome balance
- outcomes
This information is presented in a Bootstrap card:
Can now build all with 'gulp' (if gulp-cli installed)
Big commit. Breakdown:
- .gitignore includes gulpfile.js (otehrwise excluded)
- gulpfile sets up build steps + browsersync
- src/ files for FE (stub for now)
- moved ts to src/ for consistency
- update tsconfig with new paths
- package.json lists new reqs