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bertieb 4 years ago
1 changed files with 131 additions and 33 deletions
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dice.ts View File

@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
const util = require('util');

* Counts the occurrences of a number in an array of numbers
* @param inputArray - array of numbers
* @param checkNumber - number to count occurrences of
* @returns number of occurrences
function countOccurrencesOfNumber(inputArray: Array<number>, checkNumber: number): number {
return inputArray.reduce(function(n: number, val: number) {
return n + (val === checkNumber);
}, 0);
return inputArray.filter(c => c === checkNumber).length;

* Generate a random integer between *1* and `max` (inclusive)
* @param max - upper bound of random integer to generate
* @returns random integer
function randIntMinOne(max: number): number {
return (1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max)));
@@ -35,19 +44,33 @@ interface DiceResult {
balance?: number;


* Simple d10, implements `roll()`
class D10 implements Dice {
sides: number = 10;
type: string = "d10"

constructor() {
// this.sides = 10;

[util.inspect.custom](): string {
return this.type;

* Roll a specified number of dice
* @param numberToRoll - integer number of dice to roll
* @returns DiceResult: .total and .dice (individual dice)
* @example Roll 4d10
* ```
* D10.roll(4)
* { total: 16, dice [ 3, 5, 6, 2] }
roll(numberToRoll: number): DiceResult {
let results: DiceResult = { total: 0, dice: [] };
for (let i = 0; i < numberToRoll; i++) {
@@ -66,24 +89,38 @@ class Asphodice extends D10 {
readonly failCrit: number = 1;
readonly successCutOff: number = 6; // this or larger

* Re-roll the high dice (ie >= 6) for a chance of failure
* happens on eg 1
* @remarks
* Basically we want to remove a die from the original result,
* as long as that die isn't a 10, and is above the
* cutoff. So we filter to get rerollCandidates, find the
* highest value and get the index of that value in the
* original results. We use that to splice() out (remove) that
* value and push the rerolled dice onto the modified array
* @param rerollDice
* @returns rerollOutcome
* @example Re-roll High Dice on 1
* ```
* rerollHighDice([8, 1, 1, 4, 7, 10]);
* [ 1, 1, 4, 7, 10, 6]
* ```
* ## Explanation
* - first filter dice to be not 10 and >= 6 (see {@link Asphodice.successCutOff})
* - rerollCandidates are [8, 7]
* - max([8, 7] = 8
* - indexOf(8) = 0
* - rerollResult = 6 (see {@link randIntMinOne()})
* - `splice()` replaced dice out of array = [ 1, 1, 4, 7, 10 ]
* - `push()` new dice = [ 1, 1, 4, 7, 10, 6]
rerollHighDice (rerollDice: Array<number>): Array<number> {
// Re-roll the high dice (ie >= 6) for a chance of failure
// happens on eg 1
// Basically we want to remove a die from the original result,
// as long as that die isn't a 10, and is above the
// cutoff. So we filter to get rerollCandidates, find the
// highest value and get the index of that value in the
// original results. We use that to splice() out (remove) that
// value and push the rerolled dice onto the modified array
// Example:
// rerollDice: [ 8, 1, 1, 4, 7, 10] --> filter (not 10, >= 6)
// rerollCandidates : [8, 7] --> maxValue: 8
// maxIndex: 0 (in original array)
// rerollResult: 6
// rerollOutcome: [ 1, 1, 4, 7, 10, 6] --> return

let rerollCandidates: Array<number> = rerollDice.filter(die => (die < 10 && die >= this.successCutOff));
let maxValue: number = Math.max(...rerollCandidates);
let maxIndex = rerollDice.indexOf(maxValue);
@@ -94,12 +131,17 @@ class Asphodice extends D10 {
return rerollDice

* Re-roll low dice (ie < 6) for chance of success (ie getting >= 6)
* @remarks
* Generally happens on a 10.
* @see {@link Asphodice.rerollHighDice} for a fuller explanation
* for what process in opposite direction
rerollLowDice (rerollDice: Array<number>): Array<number> {
// Re-roll the low dice (ie < 6) for a chance of success
// happens on eg 10
// see this.rerollHighDice() for a full explanation

let rerollCandidates: Array<number> = rerollDice.filter(die => (die > 1 && die < this.successCutOff));
let minValue: number = Math.min(...rerollCandidates);
let minIndex = rerollDice.indexOf(minValue);
@@ -110,30 +152,86 @@ class Asphodice extends D10 {
return rerollDice

* Used to determine if all dice are above Asphodice.successCutOff
* @param checkDice - Array of Dice to test
* @see {@link Asphodice.roll} where it is used to determine if
* a re-roll can be skipped
* @see {@link allBelowCutOff} also.
allAboveCutOff (checkDice: Array<number>): boolean {
// if filtering those *below* cutoff results in empty set
// then all must be above cutoff
return ((checkDice.filter(die => die < this.successCutOff).length == 0));

* Used to determine if all dice are below Asphodice.successCutOff
* @param checkDice - Array of Dice to test
* @see {@link Asphodice.roll} where it is used to determine if
* a re-roll can be skipped
* @see {@link allAboveCutOff} also.
allBelowCutOff (checkDice: Array<number>): boolean {
// if filtering those *above or equal to* cutoff results in empty set
// then all must be below cutoff
return ((checkDice.filter(die => die >= this.successCutOff).length == 0));

* Determine balance of outcomes - ie successes minus failures
* @remarks
* Success = 1, failure = -1
* Particularly for Asphodice, we aren't terribly concerned with the
* numeric sum total of the dice values, we are more concerned with
* the overall outcome (see {@link Outcomes}) and for narrative purposes
* perhaps the balance of outcomes; for example, 1 success may be
* narrated differently than 4 successes.
* **Special note**: This ignores crits! **End special note**
* TODO: Special consideration of a single die roll (?)
* @param resultDice - the final dice after any re-rolls
* @returns Single positive/negative number with balance of roll outcomes
* @example Count Outcomes of 5 Dice
* ```
* countOutcomeBalance([ 7, 4, 4, 9, 1 ])
* -1
* ```
* - 7 and 9 are above successCutOff → +2
* - 4, 4, 1 are below successCutOff → -3
countOutcomeBalance (resultDice: Array<number>): number{
// Return a positive / negative number representing
// the overall outcomes: each failure (eg < 6) is -1
// while each success (eg >= 6) is +1

// fun with ternary operators
return resultDice.reduce(
(acc: number, curr: number) =>
{ return (curr < this.successCutOff) ? acc - 1 : acc + 1 },
// PS also good practice to supply initialValue (0)

* Roll an Asphodie or Asphodice
* @param numToRoll
* @returns a {@link DiceResult} with additional properties:
* - reroll: boolean - whether we rerolled
* - olddice: Array - original roll
* - dice: Array - final outcome
* - balance: number - +/- of outcomes (successes/failures)
roll (numToRoll: number): DiceResult {
let results: DiceResult = { total: 0, dice: [] };
