- "use strict";
- var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
- function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
- /*
- Hexi
- ====
- Welcome to Hexi's source code!
- This file, `core.js` is the glue that holds Hexi together. Most of Hexi's functionality comes
- from some external libraries, written for Hexi, that `core.js` instantiates and wires
- together. Here are the external libraries that Hexi is currently using:
- - [Pixi](https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/): The world's fastest 2D WebGL and canvas renderer.
- - [Bump](https://github.com/kittykatattack/bump): A complete suite of 2D collision functions for games.
- - [Tink](https://github.com/kittykatattack/tink): Drag-and-drop, buttons, a universal pointer and other
- helpful interactivity tools.
- - [Charm](https://github.com/kittykatattack/charm): Easy-to-use tweening animation effects for Pixi sprites.
- - [Dust](https://github.com/kittykatattack/dust): Particle effects for creating things like explosions, fire
- and magic.
- - [Sprite Utilities](https://github.com/kittykatattack/spriteUtilities): Easier and more intuitive ways to
- create and use Pixi sprites, as well adding a state machine and animation player
- - [Game Utilities](https://github.com/kittykatattack/gameUtilities): A collection of useful methods for games.
- - [Tile Utilities](https://github.com/kittykatattack/tileUtilities): A collection of useful methods for making tile-based game worlds with [Tiled Editor](http://www.mapeditor.org).
- - [Sound.js](https://github.com/kittykatattack/sound.js): A micro-library for loading, controlling and generating
- sound and music effects. Everything you need to add sound to games.
- - [fullScreen.js](https://github.com/kittykatattack/fullScreen): Adds an easy-to-implement full screen feature.
- - [Smoothie](https://github.com/kittykatattack/smoothie): Ultra-smooth sprite animation using
- true delta-time interpolation. It also lets you specify the fps (frames-per-second) at which
- your game or application runs, and completely separates your sprite rendering loop from your
- application logic loop.
- The job of `core.js` (this file!) is to instantiate Hexi, load the assets, start the game loop, and
- create top-level access to most of the properties and methods in the external libraries.
- It also customizes some of those methods and runs them with some useful side-effects, such as
- automatically adding sprites to Hexi's `stage`. (Hexi's `stage` is the root Pixi `Container` for the display list.)
- I've divided this `core.js` file into "Chapters" which describes what each major section of code does.
- You'll find a "Table of Contents" ahead, which is your guide to this file.
- All this code is fully commented, but if there's something you don't understand, please ask
- in this repository's Issues and we will do our best to help. All this code is in one single file for now, just for the sake of simplicity,
- until the total scope of this project stabilizes.
- Hexi's build system
- -------------------
- All of Hexi's source code is written in JavaScript ES6, transpiled to ES5 using Babel, and minified using Uglify2.
- Make is currently being used as the build
- system. So, to build Hexi, make sure you have Node, Babel and Uglify2 installed, and call `make` in the
- command line from Hexi's root directory. Make will compile the `core.js` file, concatenate all files (including
- the modules) and produce the `hexi.min.js` file using Uglify2.
- You can also use Make to build individual sections of Hexi's code base.
- If you just want to watch and compile the core.js file from ES6 to ES5, run:
- make watchSrc
- If you want to concatenate all the modules, run:
- make concatModules
- If you want to concatenate all the files, run:
- make concatAllFiles
- To watch and compile the example files from ES6 to ES5, run:
- make watchExamples
- To watch and compile the tutorial files from ES6 to ES5, run:
- make watchTutorials
- If anyone reading this wishes to contribute a simpler, more automated system using Grunt of Gulp,
- we would welcome the contribution!
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- Here's your handy guide to this `core.js` file.
- 1. Setup and instantiation.
- 2. The `Hexi` class constructor.
- 3. Hexi's engine: `start`, `load` and `update` methods.
- 4. Module interfaces: Hexi's top-level access to the module properties and methods.
- 5. Sprite creation methods: `sprite`, `tilingSprite`, `text`, `bitmapText`, `rectangle`, `circle`, `line`, `button`.
- 6. Display utilities: `group`, `batch`, `grid`, `makeTiledWorld`, `remove`, `flowRight`, `flowDown`, `flowLeft`, `flowUp`.
- 7. Sprite properties: Hexi's custom sprite properties (also known as super-powers!).
- 8. Utilities: `scaleToWindow`, `log`, `makeProgressBar`, `loadingBar`, `compensateForStageSize`, `image`, `id`, `json`, `xml`, `sound`
- */
- //---------------------------
- //IMPORTANT: Make sure to load Pixi and the modules before instantiating Hexi!
- //The high level `hexi` function lets you quickly create an instance
- //of Hexi using sensible defaults.
- function hexi(width, height, setup) {
- var thingsToLoad = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[3];
- var load = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[4];
- //If you need to, you can also instantiate Hexi with a configuration
- //object, which lets you fine-tune the options.
- var hexi = new Hexi({
- //Required options:
- width: width, //Width, in pixels
- height: height, //Height, in pixels
- setup: setup, //Function to run when Hexi starts
- //Optional options:
- assets: thingsToLoad, //Array of assets that should be loaded
- load: load, //Function to run while Hexi is loading asssets
- /*
- renderer: "auto", //"auto", "canvas" or "webgl"
- backgroundColor: 0xCCCCCC, //Hexadecimal color code
- border: "1px dashed black", //CSS border string
- scaleToWindow: true, //Boolean
- scaleBorderColor: "gray", //Color string
- fps: 30, //The frames per second the logic loop should run at
- //An an object of Boolean (true/false) properties that describe which sprite
- //properties should be smoothly animated. These can be any of 5
- //properties: `position`, `rotation`, `size`, `scale` or `alpha`.
- //(Position and rotation are on by default, unless you set Hexi's
- //`interpolate` property to `false`)
- */
- interpolationProperties: {
- position: true,
- rotation: true,
- size: true,
- alpha: true
- },
- interpolate: true
- });
- //To change PIXI's renderer, set the `renderer` option to
- //"auto", "canvas" or "webgl", like this:
- //renderer: "auto"
- //Add any other Pixi initialization options you need, depending
- //on which Pixi renderer you're using
- return hexi;
- }
- //The Hexi main class. It contains all of Hexi's properties and
- //methods, and sets up bindings between Hexi and the module libraries.
- //If you need more find control over Hexi's initialization options,
- //you can create a new instance of the Hexi class directly in your application
- //code. See how it's done in the `hexi` function above for a good example
- //of how to do that.
- //----------------------------
- var Hexi = (function () {
- /*
- Initialize Hexi's constructor with an options object literal called `o`.
- Here are the required options:
- `width`: Value in pixels that describes the canvas's width
- `height`: Value in pixels that describes the canvas's height
- `setup`: A function that should run as soon as Hexi is initialized
- Here are the optional options:
- `assets`: Array of assets (files) that should be loaded
- `load`: A function that should run while Hexi is loading assets
- `renderer`: The type of renderer to use: "auto" (the default), "canvas" or "webgl"
- `backgroundColor`: Hexadecimal color code that defines the canvas color
- `border`: The canvas border style as a CSS border string, such as "1px dashed black"
- `scaleToWindow`: A Boolean that determines whether the canvas should scale to maximum window size.
- `scaleBorderColor`: Color string that defines the color of the border around a scaled canvas.
- `interpolationProperties: An object that defines 5 Boolean properties that determines which sprite properties are interpolated
- (smoothly animated) by Hexi's rendering engine (Smoothie): `position`, `size`, `rotation`, `scale` or `alpha`
- `interpolate`: A Boolean which should be `false` if you *don't* want any sprite animation smoothing.
- `fps`: The frames-per-second the engine's game logic loop should run at (the default is 60).
- `renderFps`: Clamps the fps rendering to the supplied frame rate.
- You can also add any of Pixi's initialization options, and those will be applied
- to Pixi's renderer when Hexi creates it.
- */
- function Hexi(o) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Hexi);
- //Initialize all the helper modules.
- //(See Hexi's README.md on information about these libraries)
- this.charm = new Charm(PIXI);
- this.dust = new Dust(PIXI);
- this.bump = new Bump(PIXI);
- this.spriteUtilities = new SpriteUtilities(PIXI);
- this.tileUtilities = new TileUtilities(PIXI);
- this.gameUtilities = new GameUtilities();
- //Any modules that have an `update` method that should updated
- //each frame in the game loop should be added to the
- //`modulesToUpdate` array. The game loop will call the `update`
- //method on each of these modules while the game is running.
- //This is very efficient and does not effect performance: no modules are updated unless they
- //contain objects that need updating.
- this.modulesToUpdate = [];
- this.modulesToUpdate.push(this.charm);
- this.modulesToUpdate.push(this.dust);
- this.modulesToUpdate.push(this.spriteUtilities);
- //Create the stage and renderer
- //Auto renderer (default)
- if (o.renderer === "auto" || o.renderer === undefined) {
- this.renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(o.width, o.height, o, o.noWebGL);
- //Canvas renderer
- } else if (o.renderer === "canvas") {
- this.renderer = new PIXI.CanvasRenderer(o.width, o.height, o);
- //WebGL renderer
- } else if (o.renderer === "webgl") {
- this.renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(o.width, o.height, o);
- }
- //Get a reference to the `renderer.view`, which is the
- //HTML canvas element
- this.canvas = this.renderer.view;
- //Initialize the Tink interactive module (it needs a reference to the canvas)
- this.tink = new Tink(PIXI, this.canvas);
- this.modulesToUpdate.push(this.tink);
- //Create local aliases for the important methods and properties of
- //these libraries, including the most useful Pixi properties.
- //Take a look at Hexi's `createModulePropertyAliases` method in the
- //source code ahead to see how this works
- this.createModulePropertyAliases();
- //Add `halfWidth` and `halfHeight` properties to the canvas
- Object.defineProperties.bind(this, this.canvas, {
- "halfWidth": {
- get: function get() {
- return this.canvas.width / 2;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "halfHeight": {
- get: function get() {
- return this.canvas.height / 2;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- //A Boolean to flag whether the canvas has been scaled
- this.canvas.scaled = false;
- //Add the FullScreen module and supply it with the canvas element
- //this.fullScreen = new FullScreen(this.canvas);
- //Note: Hexi's `update` function checks whether we're in full screen
- //mode and updates the global scale value accordingly
- //Set the canvas's optional background color and border style
- if (o.backgroundColor) {
- this.renderer.backgroundColor = this.color(o.backgroundColor);
- } else {
- this.renderer.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
- }
- if (o.border) this.canvas.style.border = o.border;
- //Add the canvas to the HTML document
- document.body.appendChild(this.canvas);
- //Create a container object called the `stage`
- this.stage = new this.Container();
- //Add Hexi's special sprite properties to the stage
- this.addProperties(this.stage);
- this.stage._stage = true;
- //The game's scale
- if (o.scaleToWindow) {
- this.scaleToWindow(o.scaleBorderColor);
- } else {
- this.scale = 1;
- }
- //Make the pointer
- this.pointer = this.makePointer(this.canvas, this.scale);
- //Set the game `state`
- this.state = undefined;
- //Set the user-defined `load` and `setup` states
- if (o.load !== undefined) this.loadState = o.load;
- //The `setup` function is required, so throw an error if it's
- //missing
- if (!o.setup) {
- throw new Error("Please supply the setup option in the constructor to tell Hexi which function should run first when it starts.");
- } else {
- this.setupState = o.setup;
- }
- //A variable to track the current percentage of loading assets
- this.loadingProgress = 0;
- //A variable to track the currently loading asset
- this.loadingFile = "";
- //Load any assets if they've been provided
- if (o.assets !== undefined) {
- this.assetsToLoad = o.assets;
- }
- //Tell Hexi that we're not using a loading progress bar.
- //(This will be set to `true` if the user invokes the `loadingBar`
- //function, which you'll see ahead)
- this._progressBarAdded = false;
- //The `soundObjects` object is used to store all sounds
- this.soundObjects = {};
- //Create a new instance of Smoothie, which manages Hexi's game
- //loop and adds smooth sprite interpolation
- this.smoothie = new Smoothie({
- engine: PIXI,
- renderer: this.renderer,
- root: this.stage,
- update: this.update.bind(this),
- properties: o.interpolationProperties,
- interpolate: o.interpolate,
- fps: o.fps,
- renderFps: o.renderFps,
- properties: {
- position: true,
- scale: true,
- tile: true
- }
- });
- }
- //---------------------------------------
- //The `start` method must be called by the user after Hexi has been
- //initialized to start the loading process and turn on the engine.
- _createClass(Hexi, [{
- key: "start",
- value: function start() {
- //If there are assets to load, load them, and set the game's state
- //to the user-defined `loadState` (which can be supplied by the user in the
- //constructor)
- if (this.assetsToLoad) {
- //Call Hexi's `load` method (ahead) to load the assets
- this.load(this.assetsToLoad, this.validateAssets);
- //After the assets have been loaded, a method called
- //`validateAssets` will run (see `validateAssets` ahead.)
- //`validateAssets` checks to see what has been loaded and,
- //in the case of sound files, decodes them and creates sound
- //objects.
- //If the user has supplied Hexi with a `load` function (in
- //Hexi's constructor), it will be assigned to Hexi's current
- //`state` and, as you'll see ahead, called in a loop while the
- //assets load
- if (this.loadState) this.state = this.loadState;
- } else {
- //If there's nothing to load, run the `setup` state, which will
- //just run once
- this.setupState();
- }
- //Start the game loop
- this.smoothie.start();
- }
- //Use the `load` method to load any files into Hexi. Pass it a
- //callback function as the second argument to launch a function that
- //should run when all the assets have finished loading. Hexi's
- //default callback function is `validateAssets`, which you'll find
- //in the code ahead
- }, {
- key: "load",
- value: function load(assetsToLoad) {
- var _this = this;
- var callbackFunction = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[1];
- //Handle special file types that Pixi's loader doesn't understand
- //The `findAssets` function will return an array to get an array just
- //containing those file source paths you're interested in
- var findAssets = function findAssets(fileExtensionArray) {
- var fileSourcePaths = assetsToLoad.filter(function (source) {
- //Find the file extension of the asset
- var extension = source.split(".").pop();
- if (fileExtensionArray.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
- return true;
- }
- });
- return fileSourcePaths;
- };
- /* Load fonts */
- //First, define the file extensions for the special file types
- //you're interested in
- //Fonts
- var fontExtensions = ["ttf", "otf", "ttc", "woff"];
- //Get the font source paths
- var fontFiles = findAssets(fontExtensions);
- //If there are any font files, load them into the browser using an
- //old trick that forces the browser to load them
- if (fontFiles.length > 0) {
- this.spanElements = [];
- fontFiles.forEach(function (source) {
- //Loads the font files by writing CSS code to the HTML document head.
- //Use the font's filename as the `fontFamily` name. This code captures
- //the font file's name without the extension or file path
- var fontFamily = source.split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- //Push the font family name into Hexi's `fontFamilies` array
- if (_this.fontFamilies) _this.fontFamilies.push(fontFamily);
- //Append an `@afont-face` style rule to the head of the HTML document
- var newStyle = document.createElement("style");
- var fontFace = "@font-face {font-family: '" + fontFamily + "'; src: url('" + source + "');}";
- newStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(fontFace));
- document.head.appendChild(newStyle);
- //Trick the browser into loading the font file by
- //displaying an invisible element
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- span.style.fontFamily = fontFamily;
- document.body.appendChild(span);
- span.innerHTML = "?";
- span.style.display = "block";
- span.style.opacity = "0";
- _this.spanElements.push(span);
- });
- }
- /* Load sound */
- //Set default loading mechanism for sound file extensions to use XHR
- var Resource = PIXI.loaders.Resource;
- Resource.setExtensionLoadType("wav", Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR);
- Resource.setExtensionLoadType("mp3", Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR);
- Resource.setExtensionLoadType("ogg", Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR);
- Resource.setExtensionLoadType("webm", Resource.LOAD_TYPE.XHR);
- //Set default loading type for sound file extensions to be arraybuffer
- Resource.setExtensionXhrType("wav", Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER);
- Resource.setExtensionXhrType("mp3", Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER);
- Resource.setExtensionXhrType("ogg", Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER);
- Resource.setExtensionXhrType("webm", Resource.XHR_RESPONSE_TYPE.BUFFER);
- /* Load ordinary assets */
- var loadProgressHandler = function loadProgressHandler(loader, resource) {
- //Display the file `url` currently being loaded
- _this.loadingFile = resource.url;
- //Display the percentage of files currently loaded
- _this.loadingProgress = loader.progress;
- };
- //Load the files and call the `loadProgressHandler` while they're
- //loading
- this.loader.reset();
- this.loadingProgress = 0;
- this.loadingFile = "";
- this.loader.add(assetsToLoad).on("progress", loadProgressHandler).load(callbackFunction.bind(this));
- }
- //The `validateAssets` method runs when all the assets have finished
- //loading. It checks to see if there are any sounds files and, if
- //there are, decodes them and turns them into sound objects using the
- //`sounds.js` module's `makeSound` function. If there are no sounds
- //to load, the loading state is finished and the setup state is run.
- //But, if there are sounds to load, the setup state will only run
- //after the sounds have been decoded.
- }, {
- key: "validateAssets",
- value: function validateAssets() {
- var _this2 = this;
- console.log("All assets loaded");
- //The `finishLoadingState` method will be called if everything has
- //finished loading and any possible sounds have been decoded
- var finishLoadingState = function finishLoadingState() {
- //Reset the `assetsToLoad` array
- _this2.assetsToLoad = [];
- //Clear the `loadState`
- _this2.loadState = undefined;
- //Clear the game `state` function for now to stop the loop.
- _this2.state = undefined;
- //Remove the loading progress bar if the user invoked the `loadingBar`
- //function
- if (_this2._progressBarAdded) {
- _this2.progressBar.remove();
- }
- //If any fonts were tricked into loading
- //make the <span> tags that use them invisible
- if (_this2.spanElements) {
- _this2.spanElements.forEach(function (element) {
- element.style.display = "none";
- });
- }
- //Call the `setup` state
- _this2.setupState();
- };
- //We need to check if any possible sound file have been loaded
- //because, if there have, they need to fist be decoded before we
- //can launch the `setup` state.
- //Variables to count the number of sound files and the sound files
- //that have been decoded. If both these numbers are the same at
- //some point, then we know all the sounds have been decoded and we
- //can call the `finishLoadingState` function
- var soundsToDecode = 0,
- soundsDecoded = 0;
- //First, create a list of the kind of sound files we want to check
- var soundExtensions = ["wav", "mp3", "ogg", "webm"];
- //The `decodeHandler` will run when each sound file is decoded
- var decodeHandler = function decodeHandler() {
- //Count 1 more sound as having been decoded
- soundsDecoded += 1;
- //If the decoded sounds match the number of sounds to decode,
- //then we know all the sounds have been decoded and we can call
- //`finishLoadingState`
- if (soundsToDecode === soundsDecoded) {
- finishLoadingState();
- }
- };
- //Loop through all the loader's resources and look for sound files
- Object.keys(this.loader.resources).forEach(function (resource) {
- //Find the file extension of the asset
- var extension = resource.split(".").pop();
- //If one of the resource file extensions matches the sound file
- //extensions, then we know we have a sound file
- if (soundExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
- //Count one more sound to load
- soundsToDecode += 1;
- //Create aliases for the sound's `xhr` object and `url` (its
- //file name)
- var xhr = _this2.loader.resources[resource].xhr,
- url = _this2.loader.resources[resource].url;
- //Create a sound sprite using the `sound.js` module's
- //`makeSound` function. Notice the 4th argument is the loaded
- //sound's `xhr` object. Setting the 3rd argument to `false`
- //means that `makeSound` won't attempt to load the sounds
- //again. When the sound has been decoded, the `decodeHandler`
- //(see above!) will be run
- var soundSprite = makeSound(url, decodeHandler.bind(_this2), false, xhr);
- //Get the sound file name.
- soundSprite.name = _this2.loader.resources[resource].name;
- //Add the sound object to Hexi's `soundObjects` object.
- //You'll be able to access them in your application through
- //Hexi's higher-level `sound` method, like this:
- //`hexi.sound("soundFileName.wav");`
- _this2.soundObjects[soundSprite.name] = soundSprite;
- }
- });
- //If there are no sound files, we can skip the decoding step and
- //just call `finishLoadingState` directly
- if (soundsToDecode === 0) {
- finishLoadingState();
- }
- }
- //The `update` method is run by Hexi's game loop each frame.
- //It manages the game state and updates the modules
- }, {
- key: "update",
- value: function update() {
- //Update all the modules in the `modulesToUpdate` array.
- //These are modules that contain `update` methods that need to be
- //called every frame
- this.modulesToUpdate.forEach(function (module) {
- return module.update();
- });
- //If the application is in full screen mode, make sure that Hexi
- //is using the correct scale value
- /*
- if (document.fullscreenEnabled === true) {
- console.log("fullscreenEnabled")
- //Note: Check Firefox's current FullScreen API and specifically:
- //https://github.com/neovov/Fullscreen-API-Polyfill/blob/master/fullscreen-api-polyfill.js
- //if (this.fullScreen.fullscreenScale !== 1) {
- this.scale = this.fullScreen.fullscreenScale;
- //console.log("this.fullScreen.fullscreenScale: " + this.fullScreen.fullscreenScale)
- this.pointer.scale = this.scale;
- //Find out if the pointer scale is propagating to Tink's pointer?
- console.log(this.pointer.scale)
- } else {
- if (!this.canvas.scaled) {
- this.scale = 1;
- this.pointer.scale = 1;
- }
- }
- */
- //Run the current game `state` function if it's been defined and
- //the game isn't `paused`
- if (this.state && !this.paused) {
- this.state();
- }
- }
- //Pause and resume methods
- }, {
- key: "pause",
- value: function pause() {
- this.paused = true;
- }
- }, {
- key: "resume",
- value: function resume() {
- this.paused = false;
- }
- //A method that helpfully creates local, top-level references to the
- //most useful properties and methods from the loaded modules
- }, {
- key: "createModulePropertyAliases",
- value: function createModulePropertyAliases() {
- var _this3 = this;
- //Pixi - Rendering
- this.Container = PIXI.Container;
- this.loader = PIXI.loader;
- this.TextureCache = PIXI.utils.TextureCache;
- this.filters = PIXI.filters;
- //Filters
- this.dropShadowFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.DropShadowFilter();
- };
- this.asciiFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.AsciiFilter();
- };
- this.alphaMaskFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.AlphaMaskFilter();
- };
- this.bloomFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.BloomFilter();
- };
- this.blurDirFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.BlurDirFilter();
- };
- this.blurFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.BlurFilter();
- };
- this.colorMatrixFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.ColorMatrixFilter();
- };
- this.colorStepFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.ColorStepFilter();
- };
- this.crossHatchFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.CrossHatchFilter();
- };
- this.displacementFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.DisplacementFilter();
- };
- this.dotScreenFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.DotScreenFilter();
- };
- this.grayFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.GrayFilter();
- };
- this.invertFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.InvertFilter();
- };
- this.pixelateFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.PixelateFilter();
- };
- this.sepiaFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.SepiaFilter();
- };
- this.shockwaveFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.ShockwaveFilter();
- };
- this.twistFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.TwistFilter();
- };
- this.rgbSplitFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.RGBSplitFilter();
- };
- this.smartBlurFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.SmartBlurFilter();
- };
- this.tiltShiftFilter = function () {
- return new _this3.filters.TiltShiftFilter();
- };
- //Tink - Interactivity
- this.draggableSprites = this.tink.draggableSprites;
- this.pointers = this.tink.pointers;
- this.buttons = this.tink.buttons;
- this.makePointer = function (canvas, scale) {
- return _this3.tink.makePointer(canvas, scale);
- };
- this.makeDraggable = function () {
- var _tink;
- return (_tink = _this3.tink).makeDraggable.apply(_tink, arguments);
- };
- this.makeUndraggable = function () {
- var _tink2;
- return (_tink2 = _this3.tink).makeUndraggable.apply(_tink2, arguments);
- };
- this.makeInteractive = function (o) {
- return _this3.tink.makeInteractive(o);
- };
- this.keyboard = this.tink.keyboard;
- this.arrowControl = function (sprite, speed) {
- return _this3.tink.arrowControl(sprite, speed);
- };
- //Add the arrow key objects
- /*
- this.upArrow = this.keyboard(38);
- this.rightArrow = this.keyboard(39);
- this.downArrow = this.keyboard(40);
- this.leftArrow = this.keyboard(37);
- this.spaceBar = this.keyboard(32);
- */
- //Dust - Particle effects
- this.createParticles = function (x, y, spriteFunction, container, numberOfParticles, gravity, randomSpacing, minAngle, maxAngle, minSize, maxSize, minSpeed, maxSpeed, minScaleSpeed, maxScaleSpeed, minAlphaSpeed, maxAlphaSpeed, minRotationSpeed, maxRotationSpeed) {
- return _this3.dust.create(x, y, spriteFunction, container, numberOfParticles, gravity, randomSpacing, minAngle, maxAngle, minSize, maxSize, minSpeed, maxSpeed, minScaleSpeed, maxScaleSpeed, minAlphaSpeed, maxAlphaSpeed, minRotationSpeed, maxRotationSpeed);
- };
- this.particleEmitter = function (interval, particleFunction) {
- return _this3.dust.emitter(interval, particleFunction);
- };
- //SpriteUtilities - Sprite creation tools
- this.filmstrip = function (texture, frameWidth, frameHeight, spacing) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.filmstrip(texture, frameWidth, frameHeight, spacing);
- };
- this.frame = function (source, x, y, width, height) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.frame(source, x, y, width, height);
- };
- this.frames = function (source, coordinates, frameWidth, frameHeight) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.frames(source, coordinates, frameWidth, frameHeight);
- };
- this.frameSeries = function (startNumber, endNumber, baseName, extension) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.frames(startNumber, endNumber, baseName, extension);
- };
- this.colorToRGBA = function (value) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.colorToRGBA(value);
- };
- this.colorToHex = function (value) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.colorToHex(value);
- };
- this.byteToHex = function (value) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.byteToHex(value);
- };
- this.color = function (value) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.color(value);
- };
- this.shoot = function (shooter, angle, x, y, container, bulletSpeed, bulletArray, bulletSprite) {
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.shoot(shooter, angle, x, y, container, bulletSpeed, bulletArray, bulletSprite);
- };
- this.shake = function (sprite) {
- var magnitude = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 16 : arguments[1];
- var angular = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- console.log("shake");
- return _this3.spriteUtilities.shake(sprite, magnitude, angular);
- };
- //Charm - Tweening
- this.fadeOut = function (sprite) {
- var frames = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 60 : arguments[1];
- return _this3.charm.fadeOut(sprite, frames);
- };
- this.fadeIn = function (sprite) {
- var frames = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 60 : arguments[1];
- return _this3.charm.fadeIn(sprite, frames);
- };
- this.pulse = function (sprite) {
- var frames = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 60 : arguments[1];
- var minAlpha = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- return _this3.charm.pulse(sprite, frames, minAlpha);
- };
- this.slide = function (sprite, endX, endY) {
- var frames = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 60 : arguments[3];
- var type = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? "smoothstep" : arguments[4];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? false : arguments[5];
- var delayBeforeRepeat = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[6];
- return _this3.charm.slide(sprite, endX, endY, frames, type, yoyo, delayBeforeRepeat = 0);
- };
- this.breathe = function (sprite) {
- var endScaleX = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0.8 : arguments[1];
- var endScaleY = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0.8 : arguments[2];
- var frames = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 60 : arguments[3];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? true : arguments[4];
- var delayBeforeRepeat = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[5];
- return _this3.charm.breathe(sprite, endScaleX, endScaleY, frames, yoyo, delayBeforeRepeat);
- };
- this.scale = function (sprite) {
- var endScaleX = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0.5 : arguments[1];
- var endScaleY = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0.5 : arguments[2];
- var frames = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 60 : arguments[3];
- return _this3.charm.scale(sprite, endScaleX, endScaleY, frames);
- };
- this.strobe = function (sprite) {
- var scaleFactor = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 1.3 : arguments[1];
- var startMagnitude = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 10 : arguments[2];
- var endMagnitude = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 20 : arguments[3];
- var frames = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 10 : arguments[4];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? true : arguments[5];
- var delayBeforeRepeat = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[6];
- return _this3.charm.strobe(sprite, scaleFactor, startMagnitude, endMagnitude, frames, yoyo, delayBeforeRepeat);
- };
- this.wobble = function (sprite) {
- var scaleFactorX = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 1.2 : arguments[1];
- var scaleFactorY = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 1.2 : arguments[2];
- var frames = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 10 : arguments[3];
- var xStartMagnitude = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 10 : arguments[4];
- var xEndMagnitude = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 10 : arguments[5];
- var yStartMagnitude = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? -10 : arguments[6];
- var yEndMagnitude = arguments.length <= 7 || arguments[7] === undefined ? -10 : arguments[7];
- var friction = arguments.length <= 8 || arguments[8] === undefined ? 0.98 : arguments[8];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 9 || arguments[9] === undefined ? true : arguments[9];
- var delayBeforeRepeat = arguments.length <= 10 || arguments[10] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[10];
- return _this3.charm.wobble(sprite, scaleFactorX = 1.2, scaleFactorY = 1.2, frames = 10, xStartMagnitude = 10, xEndMagnitude = 10, yStartMagnitude = -10, yEndMagnitude = -10, friction = 0.98, yoyo = true, delayBeforeRepeat = 0);
- };
- this.followCurve = function (sprite, pointsArray, totalFrames) {
- var type = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? false : arguments[4];
- var delayBeforeRepeat = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[5];
- return _this3.charm.followCurve(sprite, pointsArray, totalFrames, type, yoyo, delayBeforeRepeat);
- };
- this.walkPath = function (sprite, originalPathArray) {
- var totalFrames = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 300 : arguments[2];
- var type = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3];
- var loop = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? false : arguments[4];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? false : arguments[5];
- var delayBetweenSections = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[6];
- return _this3.charm.walkPath(sprite, originalPathArray, totalFrames, type, loop, yoyo, delayBetweenSections);
- };
- this.walkCurve = function (sprite, pathArray) {
- var totalFrames = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 300 : arguments[2];
- var type = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? "smoothstep" : arguments[3];
- var loop = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? false : arguments[4];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? false : arguments[5];
- var delayBeforeContinue = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[6];
- return _this3.charm.walkCurve(sprite, pathArray, totalFrames, type, loop, yoyo, delayBeforeContinue);
- };
- this.removeTween = function (tweenObject) {
- return _this3.charm.removeTween(tweenObject);
- };
- this.makeTween = function (tweensToAdd) {
- return _this3.charm.makeTween(tweensToAdd);
- };
- this.tweenProperty = function (sprite, property, startValue, endValue, totalFrames) {
- var type = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? "smoothstep" : arguments[5];
- var yoyo = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? false : arguments[6];
- var delayBeforeRepeat = arguments.length <= 7 || arguments[7] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[7];
- return _this3.charm.tweenProperty(sprite, property, startValue, endValue, totalFrames, type, yoyo, delayBeforeRepeat);
- };
- //Bump - Collision
- this.hitTestPoint = function (point, sprite) {
- return _this3.bump.hitTestPoint(point, sprite);
- };
- this.hitTestCircle = function (c1, c2) {
- var global = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- return _this3.bump.hitTestCircle(c1, c2, global);
- };
- this.circleCollision = function (c1, c2) {
- var bounce = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- var global = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3];
- return _this3.bump.circleCollision(c1, c2, bounce, global);
- };
- this.movingCircleCollision = function (c1, c2) {
- var global = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- return _this3.bump.movingCircleCollision(c1, c2, global);
- };
- this.multipleCircleCollision = function (arrayOfCircles) {
- var global = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
- return _this3.bump.multipleCircleCollision(arrayOfCircles, global);
- };
- this.rectangleCollision = function (r1, r2) {
- var bounce = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- var global = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? true : arguments[3];
- return _this3.bump.rectangleCollision(r1, r2, bounce, global);
- };
- this.hitTestRectangle = function (r1, r2) {
- var global = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- return _this3.bump.hitTestRectangle(r1, r2, global);
- };
- this.hitTestCircleRectangle = function (c1, r1) {
- var global = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- return _this3.bump.hitTestCircleRectangle(c1, r1, global);
- };
- this.hitTestCirclePoint = function (c1, point) {
- var global = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- return _this3.bump.hitTestCirclePoint(c1, point, global);
- };
- this.circleRectangleCollision = function (c1, r1) {
- var bounce = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- var global = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3];
- return _this3.bump.circleRectangleCollision(c1, r1, bounce, global);
- };
- this.circlePointCollision = function (c1, point) {
- var bounce = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- var global = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3];
- return _this3.bump.circlePointCollision(c1, point, bounce, global);
- };
- this.bounceOffSurface = function (o, s) {
- return _this3.bump.bounceOffSurface(o, s);
- };
- this.hit = function (a, b) {
- var react = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- var bounce = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3];
- var global = arguments[4];
- var extra = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[5];
- return _this3.bump.hit(a, b, react, bounce, global, extra);
- };
- this.shortestPath = function (startIndex, destinationIndex, mapArray, mapWidthInTiles) {
- var obstacleGids = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? [] : arguments[4];
- var heuristic = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? "manhattan" : arguments[5];
- var useDiagonalNodes = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? true : arguments[6];
- return _this3.tileUtilities.shortestPath(startIndex, destinationIndex, mapArray, mapWidthInTiles, obstacleGids, heuristic, useDiagonalNodes);
- };
- this.tileBasedLineOfSight = function (spriteOne, spriteTwo, mapArray, world) {
- var emptyGid = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
- var segment = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[5];
- var angles = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? [] : arguments[6];
- return _this3.tileUtilities.tileBasedLineOfSight(spriteOne, spriteTwo, mapArray, world, emptyGid, segment, angles);
- };
- //Intercept the Bump library's `contain` and `outsideBounds` methods to make sure that
- //the stage `width` and `height` match the canvas width and height
- this.contain = function (sprite, container) {
- var bounce = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
- var extra = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[3];
- var o = {};
- if (container._stage) {
- o = _this3.compensateForStageSize(container);
- } else {
- o = container;
- }
- return _this3.bump.contain(sprite, o, bounce, extra);
- };
- this.outsideBounds = function (sprite, container) {
- var extra = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[2];
- var o = {};
- if (container._stage) {
- o = _this3.compensateForStageSize(container);
- } else {
- o = container;
- }
- return _this3.bump.outsideBounds(sprite, o, extra);
- };
- //GameUtilities - Useful utilities
- this.distance = function (s1, s2) {
- return _this3.gameUtilities.distance(s1, s2);
- };
- this.followEase = function (follower, leader, speed) {
- return _this3.gameUtilities.followEase(follower, leader, speed);
- };
- this.followConstant = function (follower, leader, speed) {
- return _this3.gameUtilities.followConstant(follower, leader, speed);
- };
- this.angle = function (s1, s2) {
- return _this3.gameUtilities.angle(s1, s2);
- };
- this.rotateAroundSprite = function (rotatingSprite, centerSprite, distance, angle) {
- return _this3.gameUtilities.rotateAroundSprite(rotatingSprite, centerSprite, distance, angle);
- };
- this.rotateAroundPoint = this.gameUtilities.rotateAroundPoint;
- this.randomInt = this.gameUtilities.randomInt;
- this.randomFloat = this.gameUtilities.randomFloat;
- this.move = this.gameUtilities.move;
- this.wait = this.gameUtilities.wait;
- this.worldCamera = function (world, worldWidth, worldHeight) {
- var canvas = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? _this3.canvas : arguments[3];
- return _this3.gameUtilities.worldCamera(world, worldWidth, worldHeight, canvas);
- };
- this.lineOfSight = function (spriteOne, spriteTwo, obstacles) {
- var segment = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[3];
- return _this3.gameUtilities.lineOfSight(spriteOne, spriteTwo, obstacles, segment);
- };
- //Sound.js - Sound
- this.soundEffect = function (frequencyValue, attack, decay, type, volumeValue, panValue, wait, pitchBendAmount, reverse, randomValue, dissonance, echo, reverb) {
- return soundEffect(frequencyValue, attack, decay, type, volumeValue, panValue, wait, pitchBendAmount, reverse, randomValue, dissonance, echo, reverb);
- };
- //FullScreen
- //this.enableFullScreen = (exitKeyCodes) => this.fullScreen.enableFullScreen(exitKeyCodes);
- //TileUtilities
- this.hitTestTile = function (sprite, mapArray, gidToCheck, world, pointsToCheck) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.hitTestTile(sprite, mapArray, gidToCheck, world, pointsToCheck);
- };
- this.getIndex = function (x, y, tilewidth, tileheight, mapWidthInTiles) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.getIndex(x, y, tilewidth, tileheight, mapWidthInTiles);
- };
- this.getTile = this.tileUtilities.getTile;
- this.surroundingCells = this.tileUtilities.surroundingCells;
- this.getPoints = this.tileUtilities.getPoints;
- this.updateMap = function (mapArray, spritesToUpdate, world) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.updateMap(mapArray, spritesToUpdate, world);
- };
- this.byDepth = this.tileUtilities.byDepth;
- this.hitTestIsoTile = function (sprite, mapArray, gidToCheck, world, pointsToCheck) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.hitTestIsoTile(sprite, mapArray, gidToCheck, world, pointsToCheck);
- };
- this.getIsoPoints = this.tileUtilities.getIsoPoints;
- this.makeIsoPointer = function (pointer, world) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.makeIsoPointer(pointer, world);
- };
- this.isoRectangle = function (width, height, fillStyle) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.isoRectangle(width, height, fillStyle);
- };
- this.addIsoProperties = function (sprite, x, y, width, height) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.addIsoProperties(sprite, x, y, width, height);
- };
- this.makeIsoTiledWorld = function (jsonTiledMap, tileset) {
- return _this3.tileUtilities.makeIsoTiledWorld(jsonTiledMap, tileset);
- };
- }
- //Getters and setters
- //Pixi's loader resources
- }, {
- key: "sprite",
- //Hexi uses methods from the
- //SpriteUtilities module to help create sprites. But, as a helpful bonus, Hexi automatically adds sprites
- //to the `stage` container. (The `stage` is Hexi's root container for all
- //Hexi sprites.) Hexi also adds a whole bunch of
- //extra, useful properties and methods to sprites with the
- //`addProperties` method
- //Universal sprites
- value: function sprite(source) {
- var x = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var y = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- var tiling = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? false : arguments[3];
- var width = arguments[4];
- var height = arguments[5];
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.sprite(source, x, y, tiling, width, height);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Tiling sprites
- }, {
- key: "tilingSprite",
- value: function tilingSprite(source, width, height) {
- var x = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[3];
- var y = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.tilingSprite(source, width, height, x, y);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Hexi's `text` method is a quick way to create a Pixi Text sprite
- //and add it to the stage
- }, {
- key: "text",
- value: function text() {
- var content = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? "message" : arguments[0];
- var font = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? "16px sans" : arguments[1];
- var fillStyle = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? "red" : arguments[2];
- var x = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[3];
- var y = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
- var message = this.spriteUtilities.text(content, font, fillStyle, x, y);
- this.addProperties(message);
- this.stage.addChild(message);
- return message;
- }
- //The `bitmapText` method is a quick way to create a Pixi BitmapText sprite
- }, {
- key: "bitmapText",
- value: function bitmapText() {
- var content = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? "message" : arguments[0];
- var font = arguments[1];
- var align = arguments[2];
- var tint = arguments[3];
- var x = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
- var y = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[5];
- var message = this.spriteUtilities.bitmapText(content, font, align, tint, x, y);
- this.addProperties(message);
- this.stage.addChild(message);
- return message;
- }
- //Make a rectangle and add it to the stage
- }, {
- key: "rectangle",
- value: function rectangle() {
- var width = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[0];
- var height = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[1];
- var fillStyle = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0xFF3300 : arguments[2];
- var strokeStyle = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 0x0033CC : arguments[3];
- var lineWidth = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
- var x = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[5];
- var y = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[6];
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.rectangle(width, height, fillStyle, strokeStyle, lineWidth, x, y);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Make a circle and add it to the stage
- }, {
- key: "circle",
- value: function circle() {
- var diameter = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[0];
- var fillStyle = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0xFF3300 : arguments[1];
- var strokeStyle = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0x0033CC : arguments[2];
- var lineWidth = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[3];
- var x = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[4];
- var y = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[5];
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.circle(diameter, fillStyle, strokeStyle, lineWidth, x, y);
- this.addProperties(o);
- //Add diameter and radius properties to the circle
- o.circular = true;
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Draw a line
- }, {
- key: "line",
- value: function line() {
- var strokeStyle = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 0x000000 : arguments[0];
- var lineWidth = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 1 : arguments[1];
- var ax = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- var ay = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[3];
- var bx = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[4];
- var by = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[5];
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.line(strokeStyle, lineWidth, ax, ay, bx, by);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Make a button and add it to the stage
- }, {
- key: "button",
- value: function button(source, x, y) {
- var o = this.tink.button(source, x, y);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //--------------------
- //Use `group` to create a Container
- }, {
- key: "group",
- value: function group() {
- var _spriteUtilities;
- var o = (_spriteUtilities = this.spriteUtilities).group.apply(_spriteUtilities, arguments);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //`batch` creates a Pixi ParticleContainer
- }, {
- key: "batch",
- value: function batch(size, options) {
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.batch(size, options);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Create a grid of sprite
- }, {
- key: "grid",
- value: function grid() {
- var columns = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[0];
- var rows = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var cellWidth = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[2];
- var cellHeight = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? 32 : arguments[3];
- var centerCell = arguments.length <= 4 || arguments[4] === undefined ? false : arguments[4];
- var xOffset = arguments.length <= 5 || arguments[5] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[5];
- var yOffset = arguments.length <= 6 || arguments[6] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[6];
- var makeSprite = arguments.length <= 7 || arguments[7] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[7];
- var extra = arguments.length <= 8 || arguments[8] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[8];
- var o = this.spriteUtilities.grid(columns, rows, cellWidth, cellHeight, centerCell, xOffset, yOffset, makeSprite, extra);
- this.addProperties(o);
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //`makeTiledWorld` uses a Tiled Editor JSON file to generate a game
- //world. It uses the `makeTiledWorld` method from the
- //`tileUtilities` module to do help do this.
- }, {
- key: "makeTiledWorld",
- value: function makeTiledWorld(jsonTiledMap, tileset) {
- var _this4 = this;
- var o = this.tileUtilities.makeTiledWorld(jsonTiledMap, tileset);
- this.addProperties(o);
- //Add Hexi's special sprite properties to the world object and all
- //its child objects
- var addHexiSpriteProperties = function addHexiSpriteProperties(object) {
- _this4.addProperties(object);
- if (object.children) {
- if (object.children.length > 0) {
- object.children.forEach(function (child) {
- addHexiSpriteProperties(child);
- });
- }
- }
- };
- if (o.children) {
- if (o.children.length > 0) {
- o.children.forEach(function (child) {
- addHexiSpriteProperties(child);
- });
- }
- }
- //Return the world object
- this.stage.addChild(o);
- return o;
- }
- //Use `remove` to remove a sprite from its parent. You can supply a
- //single sprite, a list of sprites, or an array of sprites
- }, {
- key: "remove",
- value: function remove() {
- var _spriteUtilities2;
- (_spriteUtilities2 = this.spriteUtilities).remove.apply(_spriteUtilities2, arguments);
- }
- //The flow methods: `flowRight`, `flowDown`, `flowLeft` and
- //`flowUp`.
- //Use them to easily align a row of sprites horizontally or
- //vertically. The flow methods take two arguments: the padding (in
- //pixels) between the sprites, and list of sprites (or an array
- //containing sprites) that you want to align.
- //(This feature was inspired by the Elm programming language)
- //flowRight
- }, {
- key: "flowRight",
- value: function flowRight(padding) {
- //A function to flow the sprites
- var flowSprites = function flowSprites(spritesToFlow) {
- if (spritesToFlow.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < spritesToFlow.length - 1; i++) {
- var sprite = spritesToFlow[i];
- sprite.putRight(spritesToFlow[i + 1], +padding);
- }
- }
- };
- //Check if `sprites` is a an array of sprites, or an
- //array containing sprite objects
- for (var _len = arguments.length, sprites = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
- sprites[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
- }
- if (!(sprites[0] instanceof Array)) {
- //It's an array of sprites
- flowSprites(sprites);
- } else {
- //It's an array containing sprite objects
- var spritesArray = sprites[0];
- flowSprites(spritesArray);
- }
- }
- //flowDown
- }, {
- key: "flowDown",
- value: function flowDown(padding) {
- var flowSprites = function flowSprites(spritesToFlow) {
- if (spritesToFlow.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < spritesToFlow.length - 1; i++) {
- var sprite = spritesToFlow[i];
- sprite.putBottom(spritesToFlow[i + 1], 0, +padding);
- }
- }
- };
- for (var _len2 = arguments.length, sprites = Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
- sprites[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
- }
- if (!(sprites[0] instanceof Array)) {
- flowSprites(sprites);
- } else {
- var spritesArray = sprites[0];
- flowSprites(spritesArray);
- }
- }
- //flowLeft
- }, {
- key: "flowLeft",
- value: function flowLeft(padding) {
- var flowSprites = function flowSprites(spritesToFlow) {
- if (spritesToFlow.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < spritesToFlow.length - 1; i++) {
- var sprite = spritesToFlow[i];
- sprite.putLeft(spritesToFlow[i + 1], -padding);
- }
- }
- };
- for (var _len3 = arguments.length, sprites = Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
- sprites[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
- }
- if (!(sprites[0] instanceof Array)) {
- flowSprites(sprites);
- } else {
- var spritesArray = sprites[0];
- flowSprites(spritesArray);
- }
- }
- //flowUp
- }, {
- key: "flowUp",
- value: function flowUp(padding) {
- var flowSprites = function flowSprites(spritesToFlow) {
- if (spritesToFlow.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < spritesToFlow.length - 1; i++) {
- var sprite = spritesToFlow[i];
- sprite.putTop(spritesToFlow[i + 1], 0, -padding);
- }
- }
- };
- for (var _len4 = arguments.length, sprites = Array(_len4 > 1 ? _len4 - 1 : 0), _key4 = 1; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) {
- sprites[_key4 - 1] = arguments[_key4];
- }
- if (!(sprites[0] instanceof Array)) {
- flowSprites(sprites);
- } else {
- var spritesArray = sprites[0];
- flowSprites(spritesArray);
- }
- }
- //The sprite creation methods above all run the `addProperties`
- //method on each sprite they create. `addProperties` adds special
- //properties and methods (super powers!) to Hexi sprites.
- }, {
- key: "addProperties",
- value: function addProperties(o) {
- var _this5 = this;
- //Velocity
- o.vx = 0;
- o.vy = 0;
- //A "private" `_layer` property
- o._layer = 0;
- //Is the sprite circular? If it is, it will be given a `radius`
- //and `diameter`
- o._circular = false;
- //Is the sprite interactive? Setting this to `true` makes the
- //sprite behave like a button
- o._interact = false;
- //Is the sprite draggable?
- o._draggable = false;
- //Flag this object for compatibility with the Bump collision
- //library
- o._bumpPropertiesAdded = true;
- //Swap the depth layer positions of two child sprites
- o.swapChildren = function (child1, child2) {
- var index1 = o.children.indexOf(child1),
- index2 = o.children.indexOf(child2);
- if (index1 !== -1 && index2 !== -1) {
- //Swap the indexes
- child1.childIndex = index2;
- child2.childIndex = index1;
- //Swap the array positions
- o.children[index1] = child2;
- o.children[index2] = child1;
- } else {
- throw new Error(child + " Both objects must be a child of the caller " + o);
- }
- };
- //`add` and `remove` convenience methods let you add and remove
- //many sprites at the same time.
- o.add = function () {
- for (var _len5 = arguments.length, sprites = Array(_len5), _key5 = 0; _key5 < _len5; _key5++) {
- sprites[_key5] = arguments[_key5];
- }
- if (sprites.length > 1) {
- sprites.forEach(function (sprite) {
- return o.addChild(sprite);
- });
- } else {
- o.addChild(sprites[0]);
- }
- };
- o.remove = function () {
- for (var _len6 = arguments.length, sprites = Array(_len6), _key6 = 0; _key6 < _len6; _key6++) {
- sprites[_key6] = arguments[_key6];
- }
- if (sprites.length > 1) {
- sprites.forEach(function (sprite) {
- return o.removeChild(sprite);
- });
- } else {
- o.removeChild(sprites[0]);
- }
- };
- //The `put` methods are conveniences that help you position a
- //another sprite in and around this sprite.
- //First, get a short form reference to the sprite to make the code
- //easier to read
- var a = o;
- //The `nudgeAnchor`, `compensateForAnchor` and
- //`compensateForAnchors` (with an "s"!) methods are used by
- //the `put` methods to adjust the position of the sprite based on
- //its x/y anchor point.
- var nudgeAnchor = function nudgeAnchor(o, value, axis) {
- if (o.anchor !== undefined) {
- if (o.anchor[axis] !== 0) {
- return value * (1 - o.anchor[axis] - o.anchor[axis]);
- } else {
- return value;
- }
- } else {
- return value;
- }
- };
- var compensateForAnchor = function compensateForAnchor(o, value, axis) {
- if (o.anchor !== undefined) {
- if (o.anchor[axis] !== 0) {
- return value * o.anchor[axis];
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- };
- var compensateForAnchors = function compensateForAnchors(a, b, property1, property2) {
- return compensateForAnchor(a, a[property1], property2) + compensateForAnchor(b, b[property1], property2);
- };
- //The `put` methods:
- //Center a sprite inside this sprite. `xOffset` and `yOffset`
- //arguments determine by how much the other sprite's position
- //should be offset from the center. These methods use the
- //sprites' global coordinates (`gx` and `gy`).
- //In all these functions, `b` is the second sprite that is being
- //positioned relative to the first sprite (this one), `a`.
- //Center `b` inside `a`.
- o.putCenter = function (b) {
- var xOffset = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var yOffset = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- if (o._stage) a = _this5.compensateForStageSize(o);
- //b.x = (a.x + a.halfWidth - (b.halfWidth * ((1 - b.anchor.x) - b.anchor.x))) + xOffset;
- b.x = a.x + nudgeAnchor(a, a.halfWidth, "x") - nudgeAnchor(b, b.halfWidth, "x") + xOffset;
- b.y = a.y + nudgeAnchor(a, a.halfHeight, "y") - nudgeAnchor(b, b.halfHeight, "y") + yOffset;
- //Compensate for the parent's position
- if (!o._stage) o.compensateForParentPosition(a, b);
- };
- //Position `b` to the left of `a`.
- o.putLeft = function (b) {
- var xOffset = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var yOffset = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- if (o._stage) a = _this5.compensateForStageSize(o);
- b.x = a.x - nudgeAnchor(b, b.width, "x") + xOffset - compensateForAnchors(a, b, "width", "x");
- b.y = a.y + nudgeAnchor(a, a.halfHeight, "y") - nudgeAnchor(b, b.halfHeight, "y") + yOffset;
- //Compensate for the parent's position
- if (!o._stage) o.compensateForParentPosition(a, b);
- };
- //Position `b` above `a`.
- o.putTop = function (b) {
- var xOffset = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var yOffset = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- if (o._stage) a = _this5.compensateForStageSize(o);
- b.x = a.x + nudgeAnchor(a, a.halfWidth, "x") - nudgeAnchor(b, b.halfWidth, "x") + xOffset;
- b.y = a.y - nudgeAnchor(b, b.height, "y") + yOffset - compensateForAnchors(a, b, "height", "y");
- //Compensate for the parent's position
- if (!o._stage) o.compensateForParentPosition(a, b);
- };
- //Position `b` to the right of `a`.
- o.putRight = function (b) {
- var xOffset = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var yOffset = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- if (o._stage) a = _this5.compensateForStageSize(o);
- b.x = a.x + nudgeAnchor(a, a.width, "x") + xOffset + compensateForAnchors(a, b, "width", "x");
- b.y = a.y + nudgeAnchor(a, a.halfHeight, "y") - nudgeAnchor(b, b.halfHeight, "y") + yOffset;
- //b.x = (a.x + a.width) + xOffset;
- //b.y = (a.y + a.halfHeight - b.halfHeight) + yOffset;
- //Compensate for the parent's position
- if (!o._stage) o.compensateForParentPosition(a, b);
- };
- //Position `b` below `a`.
- o.putBottom = function (b) {
- var xOffset = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[1];
- var yOffset = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[2];
- if (o._stage) a = _this5.compensateForStageSize(o);
- //b.x = (a.x + a.halfWidth - b.halfWidth) + xOffset;
- b.x = a.x + nudgeAnchor(a, a.halfWidth, "x") - nudgeAnchor(b, b.halfWidth, "x") + xOffset;
- //b.y = (a.y + a.height) + yOffset;
- b.y = a.y + nudgeAnchor(a, a.height, "y") + yOffset + compensateForAnchors(a, b, "height", "y");
- //Compensate for the parent's position
- if (!o._stage) o.compensateForParentPosition(a, b);
- };
- //`compensateForParentPosition` is a helper function for the above
- //`put` methods that subracts the parent's global position from
- //the nested child's position.
- o.compensateForParentPosition = function (a, b) {
- if (b.parent.gx !== 0 || b.parent.gy !== 0) {
- b.x -= a.gx;
- b.y -= a.gy;
- }
- };
- var self = this;
- Object.defineProperties(o, {
- "gx": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.getGlobalPosition().x;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "gy": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.getGlobalPosition().y;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "centerX": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.x + o.width / 2 - o.xAnchorOffset;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "centerY": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.y + o.height / 2 - o.yAnchorOffset;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "halfWidth": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.width / 2;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "halfHeight": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.height / 2;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "scaleModeNearest": {
- set: function set(value) {
- if (o.texture.baseTexture) {
- if (value) {
- o.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST;
- } else {
- o.texture.baseTexture.scaleMode = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR;
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error("The scale mode of " + o + " cannot be modified");
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "pivotX": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.anchor.x;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- if (o.anchor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(o + " does not have a PivotX value");
- }
- o.anchor.x = value;
- if (!o._previousPivotX) {
- o.x += value * o.width;
- } else {
- o.x += (value - o._previousPivotX) * o.width;
- }
- o._previousPivotX = value;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "pivotY": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.anchor.y;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- if (o.anchor === undefined) {
- throw new Error(o + " does not have a PivotY value");
- }
- o.anchor.y = value;
- if (!o._previousPivotY) {
- o.y += value * o.height;
- } else {
- o.y += (value - o._previousPivotY) * o.height;
- }
- o._previousPivotY = value;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "xAnchorOffset": {
- get: function get() {
- if (o.anchor !== undefined) {
- return o.height * o.anchor.x;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "yAnchorOffset": {
- get: function get() {
- if (o.anchor !== undefined) {
- return o.width * o.anchor.y;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "scaleX": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.scale.x;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- o.scale.x = value;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "scaleY": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.scale.y;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- o.scale.y = value;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- //Depth layer
- "layer": {
- get: function get() {
- return o._layer;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- o._layer = value;
- if (o.parent) {
- //Sort the sprite’s parent’s `children` array so that sprites with a
- //higher `layer` value are moved to the end of the array
- o.parent.children.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.layer - b.layer;
- });
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- //Interactivity
- "interact": {
- get: function get() {
- return o._interact;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- if (value === true) {
- if (!o._interact) {
- self.makeInteractive(o);
- o._interact = true;
- }
- } else {
- if (self.tink.buttons.indexOf(o) !== -1) {
- self.tink.buttons.splice(self.tink.buttons.indexOf(o), 1);
- o._interact = false;
- }
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- //Drag and drop
- "draggable": {
- get: function get() {
- return o._draggable;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- if (value === true) {
- if (!o._draggable) {
- self.makeDraggable(o);
- o._draggable = true;
- }
- } else {
- self.makeUndraggable(o);
- o._draggable = false;
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- //The `localBounds` and `globalBounds` methods return an object
- //with `x`, `y`, `width`, and `height` properties that define
- //the dimensions and position of the sprite. This is a convenience
- //to help you set or test boundaries without having to know
- //these numbers or request them specifically in your code.
- "localBounds": {
- get: function get() {
- return {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: o.width,
- height: o.height
- };
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "globalBounds": {
- get: function get() {
- return {
- x: o.gx,
- y: o.gy,
- width: o.gx + o.width,
- height: o.gy + o.height
- };
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- //`empty` is a convenience property that will return `true` or
- //`false` depending on whether or not this sprite's `children`
- //array is empty
- "empty": {
- get: function get() {
- if (o.children.length === 0) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- //The `circular` property lets you define whether a sprite
- //should be interpreted as a circular object. If you set
- //`circular` to `true`, the sprite is given `radius` and `diameter`
- //properties. If you set `circular` to `false`, the `radius`
- //and `diameter` properties are deleted from the sprite
- "circular": {
- get: function get() {
- return o._circular;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- //Give the sprite `diameter` and `radius` properties
- //if `circular` is `true`
- if (value === true && o._circular === false) {
- Object.defineProperties(o, {
- "diameter": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.width;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- o.width = value;
- o.height = value;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- },
- "radius": {
- get: function get() {
- return o.halfWidth;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- o.width = value * 2;
- o.height = value * 2;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- //Set o.sprite's `_circular` property to `true`
- o._circular = true;
- }
- //Remove the sprite's `diameter` and `radius` properties
- //if `circular` is `false`
- if (value === false && o._circular === true) {
- delete o.diameter;
- delete o.radius;
- o._circular = false;
- }
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- }
- });
- //A `setPosition` convenience method to let you set the
- //x any y position of a sprite with one line of code.
- o.setPosition = function (x, y) {
- o.x = x;
- o.y = y;
- };
- //A similar `setScale` convenience method
- o.setScale = function (xScale, yScale) {
- o.scale.x = xScale;
- o.scale.y = yScale;
- };
- //And a matching `setPivot` method
- o.setPivot = function (xPivot, yPivot) {
- o.pivotX = xPivot;
- o.pivotY = yPivot;
- };
- if (o.circular) {
- Object.defineProperty(o, "radius", {
- get: function get() {
- return o.width / 2;
- },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- });
- }
- }
- //8. Utilities
- //A method to scale and align the canvas in the browser
- //window using the `scaleToWindow.js` function module
- }, {
- key: "scaleToWindow",
- value: (function (_scaleToWindow) {
- function scaleToWindow() {
- return _scaleToWindow.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- scaleToWindow.toString = function () {
- return _scaleToWindow.toString();
- };
- return scaleToWindow;
- })(function () {
- var _this6 = this;
- var scaleBorderColor = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? "#2C3539" : arguments[0];
- //Set the default CSS padding and margins of HTML elements to 0
- //<style>* {padding: 0; margin: 0}</style>
- var newStyle = document.createElement("style");
- var style = "* {padding: 0; margin: 0}";
- newStyle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(style));
- document.head.appendChild(newStyle);
- //Use the `scaleToWindow` function module to scale the canvas to
- //the maximum window size
- this.scale = scaleToWindow(this.canvas, scaleBorderColor);
- this.pointer.scale = this.scale;
- //this.pointer = this.makePointer(this.canvas, this.scale);
- console.log(this.pointer);
- //Re-scale on each browser resize
- window.addEventListener("resize", function (event) {
- //Scale the canvas and update Hexi's global `scale` value and
- //the pointer's `scale` value
- _this6.scale = scaleToWindow(_this6.canvas, scaleBorderColor);
- _this6.pointer.scale = _this6.scale;
- });
- //Flag that the canvas has been scaled
- this.canvas.scaled = true;
- })
- //`log` is a shortcut for `console.log`, so that you have less to
- //type when you're debugging
- }, {
- key: "log",
- value: function log(value) {
- return console.log(value);
- }
- //The `makeProgressBar` method creates a `progressBar` object with
- //`create`, `update` and `remove` methods. It's called by the
- //`loadingBar` method, which should be run inside the `load`
- //function of your application code.
- }, {
- key: "makeProgressBar",
- value: function makeProgressBar(hexiObject) {
- var hexi = hexiObject;
- //The `progressBar` object
- hexi.progressBar = {
- maxWidth: 0,
- height: 0,
- backgroundColor: "0x808080",
- foregroundColor: "0x00FFFF",
- backBar: null,
- frontBar: null,
- percentage: null,
- assets: null,
- initialized: false,
- //Use the `create` method to create the progress bar
- create: function create() {
- //Set the maximum width to half the width of the canvas
- this.maxWidth = hexi.canvas.width / 2;
- //Build the progress bar using two rectangle sprites and
- //one text sprite
- //1. Create the background bar's gray background
- this.backBar = hexi.rectangle(this.maxWidth, 32, this.backgroundColor);
- this.backBar.x = hexi.canvas.width / 2 - this.maxWidth / 2;
- this.backBar.y = hexi.canvas.height / 2 - 16;
- //2. Create the blue foreground bar. This is the element of the
- //progress bar that will increase in width as assets load
- this.frontBar = hexi.rectangle(this.maxWidth, 32, this.foregroundColor);
- this.frontBar.x = hexi.canvas.width / 2 - this.maxWidth / 2;
- this.frontBar.y = hexi.canvas.height / 2 - 16;
- //3. A text sprite that will display the percentage
- //of assets that have loaded
- this.percentage = hexi.text("0%", "28px sans-serif", "black");
- this.percentage.x = hexi.canvas.width / 2 - this.maxWidth / 2 + 12;
- this.percentage.y = hexi.canvas.height / 2 - 17;
- },
- //Use the `update` method to update the width of the bar and
- //percentage loaded each frame
- update: function update() {
- //Change the width of the blue `frontBar` to match the
- //ratio of assets that have loaded.
- var ratio = hexi.loadingProgress / 100;
- //console.log(`ratio: ${ratio}`);
- this.frontBar.width = this.maxWidth * ratio;
- //Display the percentage
- this.percentage.content = Math.round(hexi.loadingProgress) + " %";
- },
- //Use the `remove` method to remove the progress bar when all the
- //game assets have finished loading
- remove: function remove() {
- //Remove the progress bar using the universal sprite `remove`
- //function
- hexi.stage.removeChild(this.frontBar);
- hexi.stage.removeChild(this.backBar);
- hexi.stage.removeChild(this.percentage);
- }
- };
- }
- //The `loadingBar` method should be called inside the user-definable
- //`load` method in the application code. This function will run in a
- //loop. It will create the loading bar, and then call the loading
- //bar's `update` method each frame. After all the assets have been
- //loaded, Hexi's `validateAssets` method removes the loading bar.
- }, {
- key: "loadingBar",
- value: function loadingBar() {
- if (!this._progressBarAdded) {
- //Run the method that creates the progress bar object
- this.makeProgressBar(this);
- //Create the loading bar
- this.progressBar.create();
- //Tell Hexi that a progress bar has been added
- this._progressBarAdded = true;
- } else {
- //Update the progress bar each frame
- this.progressBar.update();
- }
- }
- //Hexi's root `stage` object will have a width and height equal to
- //its contents, not the size of the canvas. So, let's use the more
- //useful canvas width and height for relative positioning instead
- }, {
- key: "compensateForStageSize",
- value: function compensateForStageSize(o) {
- if (o._stage === true) {
- var a = {};
- a.x = 0;
- a.y = 0;
- a.width = this.canvas.width;
- a.height = this.canvas.height;
- a.halfWidth = this.canvas.width / 2;
- a.halfHeight = this.canvas.height / 2;
- a.xAnchorOffset = 0;
- a.yAnchorOffset = 0;
- return a;
- }
- }
- //High level functions for accessing the loaded resources and custom parsed
- //objects, like sounds.
- }, {
- key: "image",
- value: function image(imageFileName) {
- if (this.TextureCache[imageFileName]) {
- return this.TextureCache[imageFileName];
- } else {
- throw new Error(imageFileName + " does not appear to be an image");
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "id",
- value: function id(textureAtlasFrameId) {
- if (this.TextureCache[textureAtlasFrameId]) {
- return this.TextureCache[textureAtlasFrameId];
- } else {
- throw new Error(textureAtlasFrameId + " does not appear to be a texture atlas frame id");
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "json",
- value: function json(jsonFileName) {
- if (this.loader.resources[jsonFileName].data) {
- return this.resources[jsonFileName].data;
- } else {
- throw new Error(jsonFileName + " does not appear to be a JSON data file");
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "xml",
- value: function xml(xmlFileName) {
- if (this.loader.resources[xmlFileName].data) {
- return this.resources[xmlFileName].data;
- } else {
- throw new Error(xmlFileName + " does not appear to be a XML data file");
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "sound",
- value: function sound(soundFileName) {
- if (this.soundObjects[soundFileName]) {
- return this.soundObjects[soundFileName];
- } else {
- throw new Error(soundFileName + " does not appear to be a sound object");
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "resources",
- get: function get() {
- return this.loader.resources;
- }
- //Add Smoothie getters and setters to access the `fps`,
- //`properties`, `renderFps` and `interpolate` properties
- }, {
- key: "fps",
- get: function get() {
- return this.smoothie.fps;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- this.smoothie.fps = value;
- }
- }, {
- key: "renderFps",
- get: function get() {
- return this.smoothie.renderFps;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- this.smoothie.renderFps = value;
- }
- }, {
- key: "interpolate",
- get: function get() {
- return this.smoothie.interpolate;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- this.smoothie.interpolate = value;
- }
- }, {
- key: "interpolationProperties",
- get: function get() {
- return this.smoothie.properties;
- },
- set: function set(value) {
- this.smoothie.properties = value;
- }
- //The `border` property lets you set the border style on the canvas
- }, {
- key: "border",
- set: function set(value) {
- this.canvas.style.border = value;
- }
- //The `backgroundColor` property lets you set the background color
- //of the renderer
- }, {
- key: "backgroundColor",
- set: function set(value) {
- this.renderer.backgroundColor = this.color(value);
- }
- }]);
- return Hexi;
- })();
- //# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map