- package structures.basic;
- /**
- * This contains information for playing a Unit's animation, e.g.
- * move, attack, or idle. One of these animations as a start and
- * end index in the animation frames array, an fps (indicating animation
- * speed) and whether that animation should loop (e.g. move does, attack
- * does not).
- *
- * @author Dr. Richard McCreadie
- *
- */
- public class UnitAnimation {
- int[] frameStartEndIndices;
- int fps;
- boolean loop;
- public UnitAnimation() {}
- public UnitAnimation(int[] frameStartEndIndices, int fps, boolean loop) {
- super();
- this.frameStartEndIndices = frameStartEndIndices;
- this.fps = fps;
- this.loop = loop;
- }
- public int[] getFrameStartEndIndices() {
- return frameStartEndIndices;
- }
- public void setFrameStartEndIndices(int[] frameStartEndIndices) {
- this.frameStartEndIndices = frameStartEndIndices;
- }
- public int getFps() {
- return fps;
- }
- public void setFps(int fps) {
- this.fps = fps;
- }
- public boolean isLoop() {
- return loop;
- }
- public void setLoop(boolean loop) {
- this.loop = loop;
- };
- }