* Highlight Generator Pipeline Planning ** Overview [[file:~/downloads/highlightgeneration-process.svg]] [[https://roberthallam.com/files/highlightgeneration-process.svg]] ** Pipeline `API' *** Input User-driven selection of input videos. - files :: /user-selected/ list of ≥1 input files to be processed - (optional) time restriction :: start and end time (or: start time + duration?) of file to restrict highlight generation to (format: s & H:M:s ?) (see note) - (optional, /stretch/) feature extractor mapping :: a map of files to feature exactors, eg: #+BEGIN_SRC yaml video1: path: /video/directory/video1.mkv feature_extractors: - laughter-detection - loud-moments video2: path: /video/directory/video2.mp4 start: 10:00 end: 50:00 feature_extractors: - word-recognition #+END_SRC **** Time Restriction To properly operate on a restricted range, this can create a temporary media file (using eg ffmpeg) for operation on by the *Feature Selection* step. Creating a temporary file can be avoided by ensuring each /Feature Selector/ respects a custom duration, but since some are third-party they may need their implementation updated. *Discussion point*: pros and cons of updating 3P feature selectors **** Output Conceptually, a list of files (either original path, or path to temporary time-restricted version) and associated options for each. This will either be a language-specific object, or the equivelent JSON. Example: #+BEGIN_SRC json { source_videos: [ { "path": "/video/director/video1.mkv", "feature_extractors": [ "laughter-detection", "loud-moments", ], }, { "path": "/tmp/videohighlights/inputclip0001.mkv", "feature_extractors": [ "word-recognition" ], } ] } #+END_SRC **** Further Considerations - time specification formats -- start & end ? start & duration? either? negative times for specifying time distance from /end/ of file? *** Source / Feature Selection A ~Source~ is an automation-driven /method/ of figuring out what bits of an *input video* to keep. **** Input A ist of input videos as in *Input* **** Options - ~Source~-specific /options/ (eg min duration, threshold etc for laughter-detection), - /working directory/ - minimum duration (see /Further Considerations/) **** Output A set of ≥0 /Feature/-type objects or equivalent JSON. **** Further Considerations At time of writing the feature selection drivers conceptually output timestamps, as opposed to durations; but conceptually durations make more sense. It may be worthwhile to automatically promote any `point' timestamps to a duration. Pros: makes the next step in the pipeline more uniform Cons: will probably over-sample Consequent consideration: does that mean we should let the user adjust the /pre-consolidation/ times too? Probably, but doing that it a UX-friendly way will potentially take some doing. *** Consolidation The consolidation stage takes a list of timestamps (across videos) and /consolidates/ / merges proximal times to create *clip definitions* across *sources*. - input :: a list of *video files* with associated *timestamps* or *time ranges* (and their sources), eg in JSON: #+BEGIN_SRC json { "videos": [ "/path/to/videos/video1.mp4": [ { "time": 180, "source": "laughter-detect" }, { "time": 187, "source": "laughter-detect" }, { "time": 295, "source": "loud-detect" }, { "time": 332, "source": "laughter-detect" } ], "/path/to/videos/video2.mp4": [ { "start": 45, "end": 130, "source": "segmenter" } ], ] } #+END_SRC **** Approach The input list of feature times goes through comparison process: if a feature has /overlap/ with another (that is, starts or ends within the time period of another feature), those two features are consolidated into one. This comparison can be done with a /delta/, a small amount of time (eg 15s) for which `nearby' intervals can be considered overlapping. **** Options - maximum delta between clips to be consolidated (default: 15s [rationale: Stetson-Harrison approach[fn:stetson]) - maximum duration of a consolidated clip (default: 60s [rationale: max duration of YT shorts?]) - maximum number of consolidated clips to output (default: unlimited) [fn:stetson] The [[https://english.stackexchange.com/a/426717][Stetson-Harrison]] approach *** Refinement User-driven process of /selection/ and applying /operators/ to clips before final output. **** 1. Selection User choice of which clips to keep. **** 2. Process User applies (video) ~Processes~ to the clip(s): - duration :: select start and end time (possibly before/after generated clip's boundaries) - join :: further join clips which were not joined at consolidation stage - filters :: eg sharpen / slomo / (de)saturate etc [stretch] - split :: *Note*: need to be careful not to reimplement an NLE here! *** Highlights Ultimate output.