Version bump to v0.3.0
UI needs work in different areas:
- group hiding/collapsing of variants [straightforward]
- asyncify [might be fine, might blow everything up]
Using the ResultProperties class will permit generation and UI
separation (eg in visibility toggling/grouping) of different dice
In practice, this means mostly changing
in the generation functions.
Uses default Asphodice class, rolls sets of 1..10 dice 100000 times for
Future work will need minor extensions of base Asphodice class, such as:
- class short name (for HTML element ids)
- class description (to explain what mechanics are implemented-
eg different successCutoff)
FE will also need adapted:
- ids will need to use class short names (as above)
- result cards
- chart canvases
- tables
- anchors for 'jump to' navigation (see next item)
- grouping of dice class results with show/hide groups (or
tabs or some other means of selecting results, eg dropdown), eg:
- Asphodice
- d=1
- d=2
- ...
- d=10
- AsphodiceCutoff8
- d=1
- d=2
- ...
- d=10
- AsphodiceCrits
- d=1
- d=2
- ...
- d=10
Is it less monolithic? Yes
Is it actually any better? Uhh
This is still doing some reasonably code-smelly things which could
probably be improved with a decent JavaScript templating engine, but:
- it's after 10PM on a SAturday night and I've been working on this all
- it works for now
- I don't want to go too far down the rabbit hole of super-polished code
(hah!) before I check that the output format suits C
It is actually better in the sens that we present charts first (easier
to see at a glance) with their data below them.
- sort output of outcomesBalance for chart (already sorted for table)
- hide/show toggles
- make the doughnut chart more straightforward (swap legend order,
rename labels)
Emphasis on the dirty, not so much 'quick' ! This shows select outputs
from the default Asphodice class:
- rerolls
- outcome balance
- outcomes
This information is presented in a Bootstrap card:
Can now build all with 'gulp' (if gulp-cli installed)
Big commit. Breakdown:
- .gitignore includes gulpfile.js (otehrwise excluded)
- gulpfile sets up build steps + browsersync
- src/ files for FE (stub for now)
- moved ts to src/ for consistency
- update tsconfig with new paths
- package.json lists new reqs